A downloadable game for Windows

The elements have risen up against man and it´s your job to stop them and save humanity. But fear not, to help you a wide variety of towers are at your disposal. Use these towers to defeat the enemies and save the day! 



Tab: Change view;   Enter: Start round

Top down View:

W, A, S, D:  Movement;   Q, E: Rotate

FPS mode:

W, A, S, D:  Movement;   Space: Jump;    Shift: Sprint;    LMB: Fire

Credits & Background

The game was created by Alexander Simola Bergsten, Erik Bock, Hampus Ekberg, Noel Hall, Axel Karlsson and Erik Karlsson-Nordling. It was made as a Computer Science bachelor's project at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim of the project was to develop a game utilizing flocking behaviour as described by Craig Reynolds.

The results of the flocking can be seen in the following gif:


lmntz.rar 74 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download 'lmntz.rar'
  2. Extract the file (with e.g. 7zip)
  3. Click 'NewKandidat.exe' to launch game


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Had alot of fun with this game, was far to hard but worked well didnt bugg out on me once. 

Little unintuative but the wizard to FPS switch is seamles and makes you feel quite cool! good job guys hope you got a good mark.

Thanks for the feedback dude, I'm happy you enjoyed it! The game is very difficult if played like a normal TD, but when you learn to abuse the flocking behavior it becomes a breeze  :P

//Erik Bock